If you are an individual seeking a stem cell therapy, it is best to start by speaking with your physician. If, however, you choose to find solutions on your own, we recommend the following resources:
ClinicalTrials.gov is a registry and results information database of clinical research studies maintained by the U.S. National Institutes of Health and sponsored or funded by a broad range of public and private organizations around the world. Not all studies listed on ClinicalTrials.gov are funded by NIH or other agencies of the U.S. government. Not all listed studies are regulated and/or reviewed by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration or other governmental entities.
NSCF uses clinicaltrials.gov as a starting point for finding potential clinical trials for individuals who contact us. If you find a trial that seems like a possible fit – even if not completely perfect – we recommend contacting them in order to learn. You may learn something that will help you in your search for treatment. Contact information is usually provided in the clinical trial description.
Patientslikeme.com is helpful for connecting with other people suffering from the same condition. You can search patientslikeme.com by condition and connect with other individuals looking for the same solutions. Other patients are frequently a good place to learn about research.
It is sometimes difficult to navigate all the information. Hopefully, these links will give you a starting point for assembling or identifying the best treatment for you. Science and the protocols for treatment (and in clinical trials) are changing all the time.