Lora’s Big Idea: Using television crime shows as inspiration, Lora developed a project around the Next Generation Science Standards focusing on DNA structure and heredity. She worked with developers and staff at MiniOne Systems to incorporate their newest PCR equipment as part of a case study based on heredity, traits and specific genetic disorders.
This allowed her students to gain experience using modern molecular biology techniques (e.g., restriction enzymes and gel electrophoresis.) Students used information in the case studies, along with data collected through restriction analysis and electrophoresis, to diagnose genetic disorders in simulated people. Students were able to tie phenotypes with genotypes to explain how DNA controls traits.
Objectives included:
- Understanding basic structure of DNA
- Using basic molecular biology skills such as DNA separation and analysis
- Micropipettor
- Restriction enzymes
- Gel electrophoresis
- Explaining genetic disorders
- Analyzing data to diagnose genetic disorders
Students produced a formal lab report of DNA separation and analysis and Lora produced a new lesson about human genetics, traits and disease using the equipment and DNA supplied by the MiniOne company. This lesson is now being shared with other teachers.
Interesting Facts: Lora helped develop her school system’s science digital curriculum. Read more.