Angela’s Big Idea: Angela’s classroom analyzed water quality by collecting macroinvertebrates, demarcated a forest plot with a District Forester and monitored that plot for forest health and tree diversity. Recently, Angela introduced an aquaponics component to her lesson plans by creating a working ecosystem right in the classroom.
Interesting Facts: “I teach 7th grade Life Science in Gorham, Maine, which is about 10 miles west of Portland. Before I was a teacher I was a biologist. I grew up in Oshkosh, WI and earned my BS in Marine Biology from UNCW and a MS in Ecology and Evolutionary Biology from UConn. I spent a few years as a biologist in Florida but never planned on being a teacher. Starting a family and moving north changed my perspective and when I became a teacher in 2002 I realized that teaching is where I should be, and what I was meant to do.”
In 2009 Angela won the Presidential Award for Excellence in Mathematics and Science Teaching. Read more.